Elizabeth PS Parent Portal
Welcome to the
EPS Parent Portal!
New users: Please click "Sign Me Up!" to create a new account.
To create your account you must have your child’s student ID number. You will be required to supply one other piece of information that the school has on file for you, such as phone number or email address. (If you are an employee you will need your employee ID number).
Password Requirements:
- At least 8 characters
- 1 uppercase letter and 1 number
- All characters must be letters or numbers
- Cannot be the same as your user name
Changes to contact
information in this portal website WILL NOT update information at your child's school. This portal is designed to allow flexibility in how and where you receive messages from our schools and district offices. Please contact your school secretary/registrar to ensure that the school has accurate contact information in case of emergency.
You can access your
portal account from your Smartphone. Download the app at iOS or Android.
If you have opted out of phone messages and would like to opt back in, please contact the opt-out hotline at 855-502-7867.